Tuesday 7 August 2012


I almost forgot that I went to Lebanon. I've even forgotten most of what happened and what I did.  Looking back at the photos, it was a pretty amazing trip. We viisted an old ruined abbey a couple of months ago somewhere in Yorkshire and it was just like Baalbeck; the old ruined Roman town in the Baaqa Valley. I remember visiting some of the Bedouin villages and being made to feel so welcome, even though we couldn't speak any Arabic. I don't think that my Arabic is much better than 2 years ago....I barely know how to say Salam Allicum and shokran! But, I do know that I learnt a couple of the best Arabic words out there: 'Yella, yella'  and 'habibi' !!!

When I went down to London a couple of weeks ago, we popped into this little shop. It was a Middle Eastern food place. Not quite sure whether it was Morroccan or where, but I saw these

Za'atar is such an amazing spice mixture. I bought a whole bag of it and my whole suitcase was filled with this wonderful aroma.

On the last day in Lebanon, I stayed over at Iris' place. In the morning, we walked to a nearby store and watched our breakfast being made. It was SO good. Manaeesh. With cheese, meat, or za'atar. I think that we tried all three!

Can't believe that was over two years ago.

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