Friday, 29 June 2012

Auntie Suzan's 'Sunshine Egg'

Hong Kong, China

As you can tell, this post is a bit of a cheat.
We didn't actually make the dish, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realise that there really is nothing spectacular about the methodolgy behind frying an egg. However, it is not that easy to make a perfectly fried egg, which is crispy on the bottom and still running inside.

This is a 5 minute job that is cheap, quick and simple; delicious with a splash of soya sauce. It is a reminder of days when guests may suddenly appear unannounced and this would be made to supplement the meal. Never eaten by itself as a meal, it was also made when the typhoon was at its worst and noboby could go outside to buy food, and eggs were one of the staple store cupboard ingredients. Nowerdays, food is plentiful and eggs are occassionally eaten for breakfast and not dinner, but will always be a reminder of poorer times in need of food or of the gusty winds of the HK typhoons.  

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