Sunday 1 July 2012

Memories of HK

This time, 15 years ago, I was in Hong Kong. I was living in Hong Kong. I still remember going to Central Pier with my dad and brother, in the pouring rain, in the anticipation of a wonderful display of fireworks. Unfortunately, it never happened and we were just left soaked! Maybe the fireworks got wet? Nevertheless, I remember the hand-over all those years ago in 1997. An emotional time. A time of change. But here we are, Hong Kong still stands. And it still stands strong. 

Thinking back, I think that Hong Kong (1996-1997) was one of the best year's of my life. I know that nostalgia always erases the bad and glorifies the good, but i loved it. I think that anyone who lives in HK can probably identify this with me. There is something magical about HK that draws you in; it's not quite western, but it's definately not eastern either. 

At that time my auntie (dad's oldest sister) lived in HK. We would go to her flat quite often. One thing that I remember is that she used to make cashew nuts. So so good! Now that she mainly lives in Canada, she still makes it for me if I go over. This time she showed me how... 

Deep-fried Cashew Nuts

Take the raw cashews and boil briefly in some water. Leave to dry for a few days.

Deep-fry the dried cashews in hot oil, over medium heat. When turned a little brown, take out. Deep-fry again until deeper shade of brown. Take out of the oil and leave to cool. Sprinkle some seasoning over the cashews if required.

When totally cooled, the cashews will turn a darker colour. Store in a air-tight container. Only do this when the cashews have completely cooled, or they will go soft.

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