Tuesday 11 September 2012


LOVE eggs.
I don't really eat eggs for the sake of eggs. It's usually mixed with something; like as part of a batter or in fried rice, but hardly cooked as a dish of itself. 

I remember that we used to eat boiled eggs as a child. Absolutely hated it. I think that it was the smell! It's my least favourite way of eating egg, but I'll eat it. It's interesting how there are so many ways of cooking eggs; it's so versatilte. Steamed egg is great...I discovered how to make it properly about a year ago; egg and water mix- 5 minutes and it's ready! Anyone familar with their Chinese takeaway will know of the 'egg fu yung'- meat and veg cooked with egg, kind of like the Chinese omelette. The best one is when you get a load of freshly grown Chinese chive and cook them them with a bit of garlic and egg. Delicious.

For some people, egg is considered a delicacy as they can't afford it. Others consider it as food for the poor, as they can't afford anything else. Isn't life strange, how can there be such extremes! Us Chinese have a strange way of preserving eggs; the pidan/century egg which would scare any person who has never seen a black coloured egg before. It's like a jelly and tastes nothing like egg. Love that in rice porridge; reminds me of Hong Kong.

This omelette cooked by Adriana really reminded me the Omelette Restaurant. It's one of the best things that I've eaten in quite a while!!! My brother used to love going to the Omelette, thats how I got to really know of the place. Somehow, all of the omelettes were absolutely amazing, even the simple ones. I haven't been there for ages, but I used to walk past there all the time, because I worked near there. There is always such a lovely smell outside!!

One day, I'm going to have to try ostrich egg...I'd love to make an omelette out of it!

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