Wednesday 23 May 2012

Yvonne's 'Meat-Egg Parcels'

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

These delicious meat parcels are a close reminder of the sweet comforts of a mother's cooking. Minced meat is marinated with the classic Chinese flavours of soy sauce, chicken powder, salt, sugar and sesame oil and mixed with finely chopped spring onion. An egg batter is gently fried with an added teaspoon of the meat mixture and flipped to form a small pattie. Once browned, they can be steamed to complete the cooking...then they are ready to be served!

Nowerdays, this dish is always cooked on Mother's Day (the one celebrated in Malayia and not in the UK!) or as part of a normal meal. It has never been cooked for guests (this time was the first!) or even for the husband! 

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